Bridal magazines

Typically my preferred magazine choice has been a variety of music magazines like Q, NME, or Spin, a smattering of trashy gossip rags like US Weekly and, at random, some interior design magazines (so bummed Domino fell to the axe).

Now I find myself scouring the newstands for bridal magazines. I think I've bought over 15 bridal magazines in just the past several months! And these things aren't cheap. There are so many of them. I think I need to subscribe to an annual membership to save on costs, which works out perfectly since the wedding is 13 months away. It really is ridiculous how many there are though. There's Pacific Weddings, the Knot (specific to each state but no subscription), Bridal Guide (6/year), Brides Magazine(6/year), Martha Stewart Weddings (4/year), Elegant Bride (last issue Fall 2009), Modern Bride (just found out it's last issue was Dec/Jan 09), Real Simple Weddings (annual), Modern Wedding Flowers (Australian), and many more, even wedding cake magazines! At the newstands you'll find tons from around the world too like the UK, Australia, and Asia. The best ones I think are Martha Stewart, Bride, and the Knot.

Everytime I see a new one, I snatch it off the shelf. Each one provides tons of visual ideas that you can incorporate into your own wedding. We haven't yet decided on the cake, flowers, dress color, color scheme, or table top decor, so every time I look at one of the magazines, my vision changes. There really is so many directions you can go and it's fun imagining each one. Currently I'm thinking purple bridesmaid dresses, purple/green bouquets, with a bunch of succulents in the centerpieces. But that will probably change by the time I pick up the next magazine! =)

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